Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wendy's House

Here is Wendy's house...we stayed with her over Labor Day.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Meal time

We try to make meal time very easy. As you can see the kids love mac and cheese! We like it because it is easy, fast and we only need milk and butter!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Waking up Colby

Waking Colby up is always very difficult. You can't just go in there and say something. You have to turn the light on and shake him like crazy until he finally says something! If dad comes in more then twice you know you are going to have some kind of consequence. In this case it is taking pictures of him!!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bath time!

Bath time is always a big hustle. We bathe the four little girls at least twice a week. We start with the youngest and go up the line. Having mom and four girls in the bathroom at once with a little help from Cori or dad, let me tell you THAT is confusion!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The whole family was in the July parade. We all rode on the five ton truck. All the girls except Lisa and Cori had a red shirt on and blue pants. Lisa and Cori had pink National Guard shirts on. Everybody waved, laughed, and counted how many kids we had!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Funny faces

The girls are always playing, goofing off, and being silly!


All the girls love playing outside! They like swinging, riding their scooters, and playing in their little fort.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

daddys litle girls

Callie and Cianna are sitting on dads lap after his busy day at work.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

happy anniversary!

This adorable couple had there 21 anniversary yesterday. They spent it at a lovely Mexican restaurant without the kids!

happy birthday!

This is Colby blowing his 16 birthday candles out. He had a party with a few friends and pizza!


Charity apparently thinks she is going some where! She has her sisters shoes on, her hat on backwards, and her play purse!!!

learning without training wheels

Cassidy has learned to ride without training wheels at age 3!!!!! She just hopped on her sisters bike and started riding down the street!

Cori's Beading

These are the earings Cori made to sell at our garage sale. She sold some and made $20.00.