Thursday, September 11, 2008

Cori's Piano Recital

Cori wouldn't put this on here so her Dad had to for her!

Friday, September 5, 2008


School has started and Cianna is very excited! Cianna has started Kindergarten. Callie has started 1st Grade. Cassidy has started Pre-school. Colby has started 10th Grade. Cori has started 7th Grade.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Callie's newest invention

Callie's newest invention is hooking a crate to our tree with jump ropes. All the girls love riding in it. First Callie hooked the back to ropes to tight so when she sat in it she fell out, which was pretty funny! Finally she figured it out and it was the girls funnest toy of the day!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our trip to our aunts house

Here are some pictures of our 2 mile hike in Rock springs. We went to our aunts new house. We all had fun playing with our two cousins, Katie and Karson. We ended up at the same Walmart in Riverton there and back because of tire problems. On the way the tire on our van was very low so we stopped at Walmart and on the way back our trailer tire popped and our spare was low so we ended up leaving my dad on the side of the road with a book and a his pop to guard the trailer while we went to Walmart which was 10 miles away to get a new tire. Over all our trip was very fun and we got to know the people in Walmart very well!