Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We are back home!

We are finally back at home! Our trip Monday was long and tiring but we finally made it home at about eight at night! We are all going to miss being at our grandmas house but we are also glad to be home. We were unpacking yesterday and are still unpacking today! It always takes a very long time because we have such a big family, plus being gone a week means everyone had a lot of luggage! We are still in the middle of washing our clothes from the trip! We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! This is the picture of Charity. After a long week she decided she needed a little more sleep!


Sunday, December 28, 2008

We decided to ride on the golf cart because the four wheeler would not start.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Baking Monster Cookies!

Baking monster cookies was quite an ordeal this morning! All four little girls in the kitchen was very scary! They all had a job to do which was very difficult to help each one with their job! Our grandma managed quite well and they all look great but we still are afraid of trying them! No i am just kidding, we will all have one tonight while we watch a movie!
We are all hoping to ride on the four wheeler this afternoon if we can get it to start! :-) That is the older kids most favorite thing to do!
We are not sure what we will do the rest of the afternoon but my guess is we will be on the Wii! :-)


Friday, December 26, 2008

We need help!!! :-(

Please feel free to comment on our blog anytime! We really would appreciate the input. You can put things that you would like us to put on there or or what you thought of it! I am only still figuring this out so I could use any help I can get! If you are unsure of how to leave comments, this is how............below each blog there will be a button that says COMMENTS. Once you click on that type your comment in the blank. When you are done typing in your comment there is a button below the box that says PUBLISH COMMENT, click on it and dad will look at it. After that we will put your input on our blog!


Our Christmas

We are having a great time at our Grandparents house! It is so much fun seeing all the animals! The girls love feeding the animals and watching the things they do! Their most favorite is getting the eggs in the morning and evening with Grandma.The best thing we got for a Christmas gift was our Wii. We have been playing it every chance we get! Even our parents love it! You can just about play every sport there is! The best part is watching Colby play Yoga! :-) He gets the top score every time! He probably learns his balance in Tae Kwon Do! It was a great Christmas present. Our trip is ending all too soon but it will be good to get back to our house and routines.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays

Hope everyone is doing well! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!!!!!!! : )

Christmas Visit!

We are at our grandma and grandpa's house on their farm in Nebraska!

The Hot Tub in Rapid City

We almost fill it up just with our family! :)

The Little Girls and the Christmas Tree

Friday, December 19, 2008

Sleeping Angel

After being up all night with a stomach ache, she decided to take a little nap on the couch!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Funny pictures on family picture day!

We caught some funny pictures during our family picture day!
Everyone needs to have a few crazy pictures now and then! :-)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Colby playing cards?

Colby is learning how to play "crazy 8's" how exciting! his little sisters are beating him! What a nice big brother well..........most the time :-)!


It might be a white Christmas after all!

Family Picture Day!!!!!!!!

We are back to bloging!

Sorry that we have not put any pictures or videos on in a long time! My parents could not decide to send our camera in to get fixed, or to buy a new one! We finally sent it in to get fixed and we have our camera back!!