Friday, January 30, 2009

Ice skating!

Monday Dad, Cori and Callie were going to go skiing/snowboarding, the weather was going to be very windy and -8!!! That would not be fun, so we decided not to go. Instead we went to the ice rink in Cody to go ice skating! The girls were very excited but half of them were not even sure what that was! :-) All the girls loved being on ice! All the kids accept Colby went (he was doing school.) All the girls could have ice skates accept Charity, she was just on shoes! :-) The girls had so much fun!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Picture Perfect! :-)

We were having fun taking random pictures!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Our new camper!

We went to our great-grandmother's house last month and my dad noticed two campers across the street, an old one and a new one. He went over and asked if they were selling there old one.......they were!!! The amazing thing is that it fit all of us!!!! :-) That is a very hard thing to do! We bought the camper a month later and here it is!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today after breakfast and morning chores we all decided we would watch and see our new president! The little kids really did not get most of it but i think they understood what was happening. We were all sad to get back to school but we got a pretty good break!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Our trip to the "snow hill".

Every year a snow plow goes to the Mormon church a block away from our house. when they plow the snow it always makes a big hill of snow for us kids to go and slide down! The whole family decided to go this time! The little kids always think it is a great adventure!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Big girl!

Charity was looking cute for bed. She had taken her hair tie out that we put in her wet hair around lunch which made her hair very scary! She also decided to put her pj's on all by herself and she did a pretty good job but she decided to get the ones that didn't fit her! The bottoms to the pajamas were all the way up to her knees and the top was above her belly button. That equals one cute kid!!!!!! :-)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Decorations are out!

We are finally done packing all of our Christmas decorations! It is always a big ordeal because we love Christmas decorations! We keep them in the garage in the attic so we are climbing up and down! It is a long process because we have to wrap all the breakable ornaments that we put on the tree in plastic bags which takes a very long time, but if we did not they would all break! Here is a picture of Charity sitting on the last box with the baby she took out of it!

Our trip to Billings

Our trip to Billings was very exciting. We went to Wall mart to go shopping with gift cards, it was very exciting because shopping for five
girls at Wall mart is VERY difficult! They each had different things they wanted and it gets very confusing!:-) After the long trip to Wall mart we went to our aunt and uncles house. We went to pick up their old TV and have dinner with them! When we came home our cousin Katie came with us. She will be here until Sunday.