Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Our trip to Grandad and Grandys house

For Easter our whole family went up to see our Grandad and Grandy. We had so much fun! We had the biggest dinner we have had since Christmas, we saw their beautiful horses, and the little kids had a wonderful time finding the eggs! On the way up there we also picked up our great-grandma! We can not wait to see them again!

Baby shower

One of the moms in our church had a baby, and we had a baby shower at our house for her! There were a lot of people and we all had a great time!

Easter Outfits

We always have to have a family picture on almost every holiday! Today we were all dressed up in our Easter outfits to go to church!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Taking a short nap

Mom and Charity did not get very much sleep so they decided that before lunch they were going to take a little nap!

Our hike to the hills!

We had so much fun on that Saturday morning! Cori had never drove so she drove home on the dirt roads! When we got home we ordered pizza!

Pretty, Pretty, Pretty new dresses!

The girls' Gramma decided to pay for half of the dresses they bought! Here are the beautiful pictures!

Crazy hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cianna has some crazy hair sometimes but this is the craziest I have ever seen it!!!!! She got her bangs wet but then was hot so she pulled them back in a clip. When she took the clip out this is what she looked like!!!!!!!

Go GREEN belt!!!!!!!!!!!!

Callie is so excited she got her green belt! She has been working very hard! To get a higher belt you have to take a test. The test's are usually 4 months apart and you can only test if you are really ready......Callie definitely was!!!!!!! The order of the belts are, white, first yellow, second yellow, first green, second green, first blue, second blue, first red, second red, and then ten levels of black! She is a first green now. She still has a long way to go but she is still trying her hardest!