Monday, June 1, 2009

Our camping trip

We wanted to try out our camper before we went miles away so we decided to go to Buffalo Bill Reservoir! We first went to Cody to get some things for the trip and then went 10 miles further to our camp ground. The only thing that was wrong with this camp ground was the bathrooms! The girls were not very happy that it was just a hole and charity would not go the first time (she just inspected it). Before bed we went to the bathroom again and it was very dark so we had to use a lamp. When we got to the bathroom we all went in and it had a mouse in it! Of course the girls screamed because it was running around but it quickly left. It was very windy in the morning so we went in to Cody to get worms for fishing! that afternoon we all went fishing. We had a lot of fun even though we didn't catch anything!