Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Charity's Collage

Cassidy's Collage

Cianna's Collage


We had a bunch of pictures of the 4 little girls so I put some of them together in a collage. Here is Callie's. (I will post the other ones in a different post)

Recent pictures

Here are a few recent pictures of the girls :)

Record bowls

Hey everyone, I recently worked on a project and thought I would share it with you :)

I am helping put on a home school gala and this years theme is Red Carpet Premier. One of the things we are using to help decorate are these bowls you can make with records that you no longer can use.

Turn your oven on to 300. Take a cookie sheet and put a medium sized bowl on the cookie sheet upside down. Then put your record on the upside down bowl and put it in the oven for about 3 minutes. It should kind of form around the bowl. Take it out of the oven and quickly put it inside a different bowl and shape it however you want. You only have about a minute to do this before it hardens. These look awesome and you can use them for a lot of stuff! :)

Here is a picture of the one I did :)