Tuesday, March 20, 2012

2012 Lone Wolf Taekwondo Tournament

I only have a few pictures from the tournament so far because we didn't take very many so I am trying to collect them from friends. These are the few I have but there will be more as I get them! :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

More Pictures

Alright, well it wouldn't let me upload the videos, but here's some pictures of all 6 of us. We got these taken just last night for the program at our tournament this weekend. We will be competing against people from all over Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Canada!

(From left to right) Cori, Callie, Cianna, Carol Roe, Cassidy, Charity.

January Taekwondo Test

2 months ago Cori, Callie, Cianna, Cassidy, and (our new addition to our family) Carol, took a taekwondo test for their new belt! They ALL passed! Here are a few pictures from that day, i'm also going to try and upload a few videos but those will be in the next post!