Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hey everyone! Just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates recently! I took a trip to Georgia to visit a friend of mine for 10 days, and things have been crazy around here since I got back. I will be writing a post about my trip soon, but I don't have all the pictures yet, so I'm going to wait till then. I included the most recent picture of the girls and I in this post just because though (sorry the quality is bad, it was taken on my computer!). Also, we have some exciting news! No, there's no baby coming haha =) We got our family pictures taken earlier this week, so we will be posting those very very soon! And the plan is, to send out some Christmas cards this year too... But we'll have to wait and see on that one. =)
Hope you are all doing well!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The New Belt

Here's a picture of Charity with her new belt and certificate she received a few weeks ago! =) So proud of that girl... she did great!