Sunday, November 19, 2017


At the beginning of the school year, I (Cianna) decided to join our High School choir. I have had practices every school day for an hour. I have been learning a lot from my teacher, Mr. Miller, he has helped me understand how to properly use my voice. :) I had my first concert of the year, 10/17/17.  It was a little crazy, and yes we did mess up quite a bit, but it was fun nonetheless. I was really nervous but I didn't trip stepping on to the risers, which is a good thing. :)

Here are some pictures from my concert: 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


It's been a while but we've finally settled down from the busy summer and then the craziness of starting up school. Cassidy decided 2 months ago to compete in middle school volleyball. After tryouts, she made the A team. She's had many games over the past month and were all very proud of the progress she's made and the experience she's gained. She's made some friends on the team and really enjoyed her coach. She had her final tournament this Saturday and were excited to say their team ranked 3rd out of 8 teams in middle school volleyball in the whole state.

Here are a couple pictures :) Cassidy's #38

Monday, April 17, 2017

February-April update

Here is our family update for early 2017!

End of February Colby came back from his tour with the military. Were all very glad he's back!!!! Cori flew in three weeks later to see him. We were so excited for the family to be back together.

Cassidy, and Charity competed in our annual Taekwondo tournament in March. Charity, now a first blue belt, took home a silver in poomse, and gold in sparring. Cassidy took home silver in poomse and 4th place in sparring.

Our annual homeschool gala was March 24th. The theme was Winter Wonderland. It was a lot of fun!

Were all looking forward to this summers adventures!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Winter Wonderland 2017 Gala

This years annual home school gala was March 24th! Dad, Mom, Colby, Stormi, Cori, Callie, and I (Cianna) went and had so much fun! This years theme was winter wonderland. 🎄🌲❅❆☃❄❄⛄

Colby had gotten back from deployment 3 weeks earlier and Cori had flown into town to see him! And while Cori was here we all went to the gala. Here are some before pictures :)