Sunday, November 19, 2017


At the beginning of the school year, I (Cianna) decided to join our High School choir. I have had practices every school day for an hour. I have been learning a lot from my teacher, Mr. Miller, he has helped me understand how to properly use my voice. :) I had my first concert of the year, 10/17/17.  It was a little crazy, and yes we did mess up quite a bit, but it was fun nonetheless. I was really nervous but I didn't trip stepping on to the risers, which is a good thing. :)

Here are some pictures from my concert: 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


It's been a while but we've finally settled down from the busy summer and then the craziness of starting up school. Cassidy decided 2 months ago to compete in middle school volleyball. After tryouts, she made the A team. She's had many games over the past month and were all very proud of the progress she's made and the experience she's gained. She's made some friends on the team and really enjoyed her coach. She had her final tournament this Saturday and were excited to say their team ranked 3rd out of 8 teams in middle school volleyball in the whole state.

Here are a couple pictures :) Cassidy's #38

Monday, April 17, 2017

February-April update

Here is our family update for early 2017!

End of February Colby came back from his tour with the military. Were all very glad he's back!!!! Cori flew in three weeks later to see him. We were so excited for the family to be back together.

Cassidy, and Charity competed in our annual Taekwondo tournament in March. Charity, now a first blue belt, took home a silver in poomse, and gold in sparring. Cassidy took home silver in poomse and 4th place in sparring.

Our annual homeschool gala was March 24th. The theme was Winter Wonderland. It was a lot of fun!

Were all looking forward to this summers adventures!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Winter Wonderland 2017 Gala

This years annual home school gala was March 24th! Dad, Mom, Colby, Stormi, Cori, Callie, and I (Cianna) went and had so much fun! This years theme was winter wonderland. 🎄🌲❅❆☃❄❄⛄

Colby had gotten back from deployment 3 weeks earlier and Cori had flown into town to see him! And while Cori was here we all went to the gala. Here are some before pictures :)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Callie's thoughts


My page is going to be about the events that occur in my life.

Last week we went to our annual TBC family camp. The Medicine Lodge Campground is very familiar to me. We have been there once before and it is a beautiful place. There are a lot of trees, bridges( that cross over a rushing creek). There also are amazing hieroglyphics that the Indians drew a long time ago! I thank God for the beautiful outdoors to spend time with each other.

During the mornings and evenings we had our devotion time. My dad lead the first two devotions. He talked about forgiveness. It was great! The last devotion was lead by a friend of ours from church. He talked about praising God. Finally, our church service was held by a man from our church plant in Worland.

On Saturday we made homemade ice cream and and did a craft. Every year several people bring their ice cream makers and a' bunch ingredients to make the ice cream. Then we enjoy!
The craft is usually is directed by a church mom who has six kids. This year we did an art project making bird feeders. Cianna and I helped with all the little kids making them. Every age had a different difficulty level. I helped out with the little kids and Cianna helped with the older kids. It was great fun!

After the ice cream and craft all of the older kids put together a "little league volley ball team" that we did with all the little kids. All the kids had a great time.

We also had our annual girls hike that a good friend of my parents leads every year. It was an adventure! Following the hike, Cianna, Cassidy, and I went to a swimming hole. They decided to swim with our friends, but I just watched.

Sunday came too soon and we had our church service. After that we did our annual cream can stew for lunch. Then all packed up, cleaned up the site and headed for home.

                                                                        Callie Siggins

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Colby's Job

Colby is working at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West (new name for Buffalo Bill Historical Center).  He is working security but has started to be trained to work at the entrance counter (which gives him a raise)...his boss said he was very personable and friendly.  Dad stopped by to see him and took this picture.  Colby leaves for his Annual Training with the National Guard this weekend for 2 weeks.  His boss said that once he returns from Annual Training they were going to train him to run the control room - where all the security cameras and motion detectors are monitored (another raise).  He seems to enjoy working there.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Cianna's Journal

Hi - this is Cianna.  This is my assignment that I had to do this year in my social studies. Hope you like it:D!

Cianna Siggins
Social Studies
4B Unit 3 Lesson 6

April 5, 1849

We just left from Independence, Missouri to begin our trip to California gold mines. As our wagon was pulling away in the middle of the wagon train I couldn’t stop thinking of how rich we are going to be. Even though mining is hard work, I am still excited because I get to use the new tools my Dad bought. He bought brand new shovels and pans for mining the gold. I am glad I am done packing all of our new kitchen supplies, food, and belongings with my family.

 I am so nervous for our trip because we do not know what our future holds. I will miss all of my good friends in Missouri. Some of my friends and neighbors are heading to California too, so I am glad there will be familiar faces on the journey. I hope to make new friends too.

April 20, 1849
      It has been two weeks and my dad says we are making progress, but we still have months to go on our journey. They call this the Oregon Trail. We are still in Minnesota Territory and I like to watch out the back of the wagon. Our dog Jasmine keeps us company, but she wants to jump out of the back of the wagon all the time and smell everything. My favorite part of the day is when we stop for a break. I like the fresh air and the smell of food cooking. I get to run around and play with the other kids that are traveling.

May 7, 1849
 It has been a really long journey and I am tired and sore from walking. It is really dangerous my Mom said so we need to be careful of the food we eat and the things we do. I understood her perfectly after all the recent illnesses. As I was walking I heard people in the front of the wagon train say a fort over and over. And there it was the biggest fort yet. They called it Fort Laramie. There we traded and bought new supplies and food. It felt good to rest at the Fort because I was tired from walking several miles.

May 23, 1849
       It is about dinner time and I am excited to have buffalo meat because I am tired of boiled rice and cold beans. We are going to sleep here tonight because most people are really tired and exhausted from walking. As I fall asleep I think about the gold and the trip ahead of us.

June 27, 1849
 It is barely raining and everybody is still excited because it rarely rains in the West. My Pa told me that we are almost to the Independence Rock. I never heard of the Independence Rock, so this is new for me. When we got to the Independence Rock I was fascinated by the sight. Our wagon neighbors estimated the measurement of the huge rock and it is about 1,900 feet long, 700 feet wide, and 128 feet high. Everybody including all the kids got to carve there names in it. My Ma said that there is about 50,000 names carved into the big rock, I never knew if she was joking or not. We were ahead of schedule because they say that if you are there on July 4th your right on track to be getting to the California gold mines.

July 18, 1849 
      I just woke up and I can smell the food cooling on the fire, I think bacon and biscuits. And sure enough that is what we are having. After I am done eating my Dad Mom and I start loading everything back into the wagon. We are leaving now and I can see the Rocky Mountains. They looked really close but my Dad says that the Rocky Mountains are far away. It is really dusty and dry so it makes me tired. The road is the same for miles.

August 14, 1849
       “We are there,” my Ma said and a smile came upon my family’s facesJ. The Rocky Mountains are beautiful, the peaks are pretty, and they look as if they could go on for ever and the trees are my favorite color of green. The flowers are gorgeous colors and different shape. It is good to see different colors for a change. Everybody on the wagon train liked the idea of spending the night at the Rocky Mountains. We had my favorite dinner tonight we had buffalo meat and biscuits.

September 2, 1849
 We finally are on the California trail now and everybody is excited that we are almost to the California gold mines. I don’t mind walking anymore, even though it makes me tired and sore because I am used to it. We stopped to take a rest and the people on the wagon train were talking about how long it would take to get to the California gold mines. During dinner Ma and Pa had exciting news after we were done gold mining we would live in California. I loved the plan and so did my Ma and Pa. When I fell asleep I thought what would California look like?

September 21, 1849
       “We are almost there!” My Pa shouted. I smiled and asked how much longer and he said just a few more miles. This was exciting news to everybody! Most people made it, but a quiet of few people died along the way. “We are there!” said the people in the front of the wagon train. Everybody started shouting and yelling they made it! Wait until we find gold said Pa. The wagon train stopped, everybody rested and set up camp for the night, next morning we would start mining for gold.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


A few weeks ago I took the girls out on a "sister date" to ice cream and then hiking for a few hours. Good times! =)

Masquerade 2013

Last weekend we had our annual home school gala here in Powell. It is for home school students ages 13+, alumni, and parents! It was a really fun event to get all dressed up and dance for the evening! The theme this year was "Midnight Masquerade".

Billings Montana Competition

Here are a few pictures from the tournament we went and competed at 2 weeks ago in Montana! They all got either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place in sparring (fighting) and poomsae (forms)! Cori also received the "Best Female Competitor" award. It was a pretty successful day for the Siggins family!

Taekwondo Demonstration

This is our part of the demonstration I coordinated for our Taekwondo Tournament here in Powell in March =) All 6 of us got to do this part together!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

In the box!

This is a box from one of the Christmas presents and Charity decided she wanted to see if she could fit... well she did! She is pretending she's stuck. Quite the facial expressions this girl has!