Monday, May 30, 2011


Happy memorial day friends and family!
School is almost done! :) We are all finishing our last subjects and hopefully planning to be done tomorrow. Wednesday we are planning on going to Helena to spend some time with mom's side of the family for the week.
We just got done planting flower seeds in our garden which was very interesting with everyone helping. :) We are guessing we planted about 100,00 seeds! I think we are hoping that quantity will make up for our lack of gardening skills! ;)
Colby is in AIT right now (Advanced Individual Training). He is almost done and doing great!! The last test he took there he got a 99%! He is thinking he will be home about the 19th though not positive about that date. We are all very excited for him to be home! He will have been gone 18 weeks when he returns!!
Things are crazy busy and the summer hasn't even started yet! That is just a small update on whats been going on recently here. I am hoping to get some pictures up here soon but we lost our camera which has all of our recent pictures on it! So until then I guess this will have to do. :)

Hope everyone is doing great!
Cori :)

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