Friday, August 31, 2012

Phew! Summer is almost over! It's been a crazy one that's for sure! Haven't been on in awhile so I will try to update you all on the lives of the Siggins Crew over the Summer. =)

Doug and Lisa celebrated their 25th anniversary about a week ago! Praise God for awesome parents who are there to support us and encourage us! We are incredibly blessed =) They are planning on taking a vacation (without the kids of course) to California in less then a week! It'll be a good time for them to get away and spend some time just enjoying each others company after a long summer... They deserve it!

Colby, is now back in Powell! He spent a few months in Denver but ended up coming back after things not going quite as scheduled. He is currently working at The Cody, a hotel in Cody (obviously) and is loving it! He really enjoys what he does and the people he works with!

I (Cori) had an excellent summer! =) I was a bridesmaid in my best friends wedding in July, so that took up most of my time. Other then that I stayed busy with babysitting all the time, friends, and my awesome family! I'm really looking forward to flying to see my friend (that just got married) in October! Also, starting my junior year of high school next week, and actually kinda looking forward to it! =)

Carol, just flew out this morning for Kansas to visit relatives for 2 weeks. She hasn't been super close with them over the years so it will be good for her to re-connect with them! She's been working extra hard on her school work over the summer to get caught up after falling a tad bit behind when her mom got sick. She's excited to go into her freshman year of high school after she gets back!

Callie, Cianna, Cassidy, and Charity... I decided to just write about all of them at once since their summer was pretty much the same as each others =) They spent most the summer playing with kids on our block... our house seems to be the central location so we end up having kids at our house pretty much constantly! We all love it though =) Other then that they occupied their time with playing at the park, baseball, football, soccer, jump roping, bike riding, rollerblading, riding scooters, and pretty much anything else that was outside!
 They are all starting school next week... Callie in 5th grade, Cianna in 4th, Cassidy in 3rd, and Charity in Kindergarten! =) I'm still blown away at how my mom does it all without going completely crazy!

Well! I think that about covers it =) I apologize for not being on here more during the summer... I really really am hoping to be on more throughout the school year, and also get some pictures of everyone!
Hope you all had a fantastic summer!
The 'Siggins Crew'

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