Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Optimist Camp

One of the best parts of my summer was this camp I helped at for a week. Its the third year I've been a counselor there and I absolutely LOVE it!
The Optimist Special Children's Camp takes place at the Lions Club facility near Red Lodge, MT. The camp is available to children with special needs ages 8-21, and approximately 50 campers attend each summer. The Optimist Camp is offered at no cost the the children and their families.
This really an incredible life changing experience. Its a lot of work, and by the end of the week all of us counselors are completely exhausted but it is SO worth it! The kids look forward to this camp all year... for one week they are loved, and excepted by everyone. We do activities with them, play games, have a carnival, a dance, and pretty much just spend the whole week making sure these kids have the time of their lives. Here is a 2 pictures from my week there. One of them is of my campers and other counselors in my cabin that week. There are about 3 counselors to every cabin and each cabin has about 5 kids. The other picture is with one of the kids who called me his girlfriend all week! The whole week he followed me around like a shadow, so someone snapped this picture for me at the dance we had during the week =)

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